HEY. So, I've been in the best mood for the last couple days, living in minimal sleep but loving every minute of it. I did some preeetttyy exciting things including order a beautiful grey/white striped "Free Weezy" shirt. I honestly hope everyday that today will be the day it comes in the mail.
My besty slept over Thursday night, we had a pretty laid back night of drinking and taco salad. Friday morning we woke up, and she started playing with Bananagrams. Have y
Also went to Steve Madden on Thursday to exchange some boots, suuuper rude there. Probably won't go back again. Got new boots (laceups), they're pretttyyy sick. And I got some new oxfords, like a cognac type colour. They're also pretty sick.
Friday night, went to the bar. Danced the friiiiggen night away. Had a super good time with some old high school buddies, developed a wee crush on an old crush. And when I say crush, I mean like... he's hot, has a sick flow, anddd thats about it. Not like to date him, just like, woah he's hot. So danced a majority of the night with him. At this current moment, I'm trying to change my Twitter picture, and of course it's "over capacity". That really annoys me.
Quick update on the rest of the boys in my life: Hollywood, still on the train. It's moving fast (still). James Bond (new train), he's pretttyyy hot. We had some flirtacious moments about a year ago, then I got scuuurred. So, I took some guts (being bold) and commented on his picture.. he then messaged me over FB, gave me his number, told me to contact him with my whereabouts. It didn't work out so well last night, but I'm hopeful it will at some point. Mustache, hmm, I guess I'm a bit on that train, but it's slowing, and I may get off soon.
I think that's it for now, misssiin' my caj girl already.
Until next time,
Mr. Famous, xo
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