Thursday, July 29, 2010

Shaking hands with the Devil

Word of the day: busticate: to break into pieces

Saturday night, began all fine and well.

A few girls (add in a boyfriend), a few drinks, and a few drinking games. If only it went as smoothly as planned. 

Arriving at a good friend's house with another good friend in tow, became troublesome from the moment my foot stepped in the door. I heard the most frightening, and familiar voice; the voice of my ex's best friend. A guy who played me for a fool so badly, I shudder at the mere memory of the night. I'll give you a rundown. 

Friday night, summer '09: *John comes into a bar I'm in, a few months after his best friend ripped my heart out of my chest. John continues to tell me how badly he's wanted me for the last two years, as he watched me date his best friend... he tells me how badly he wants to kiss me, to hold me, to be with me. I, of course fall for it. We make plans for a future date. 
Saturday night, summer '09: John and my ex walk into the party I'm at. I privately say something to John about the previous night. Ten minutes later, in front of my ex, John makes it seem as if I'm stalking him, and obsessed with him. John, my ex, and all of their friends laugh at me as I walk away in tears. I don't know if my words do my pain justice, but let me tell you, it was awful. 

Flash forward to saturday night, there stands John. The devil. A few too many beers later, I find myself facing John in a one vs one flip cup game. Best out of five; 1, 2, 3, I win. He puts out his hand for a truce. I'm sorry John, but I cannot simply just shake your hand after the pain you caused. He understands why, and begins to explain. "I woke up Saturday morning feeling guilty after betraying my friend. I meant everything I said at the bar, but I couldn't do that to my friend." Blah, blah, blah. "I asked a friend, she told me to prove my friendship to *Steve, I needed to make a fool of you publicly.. so I did it. I know it was wrong, but I did it" 

Great, another blow. Too many beers, too many emotions, too many memories all lead to the events that followed this conversation. If only I knew, that 4 days later, Wednesday the 28th of July, a whole new set of feelings would come rushing back. 

I not only shook hands with the devil, I possibly ruined any chances I have with Steve. 
Life lesson: get intoxicated anywhere near Hell, and your bound to run into problems. 
*Steve, pseudonym for ex-boyfriend
*John, pseudonym for ex-boyfriends best friend

Until next time, 

Mr. Famous, xo

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Jacob vs Edward

Word of the day: Voracious; Wanting, or devouring great quantities of food

Good Morning World!

For a Saturday morning in mid-July, it's not the nicest day. Its pretty gloomy, and rainy.. But on the bright side, I'll be going out soon to pick up some fresh Ontario produce, including lettuce, peppers, and peaches. 

I woke up to some good news, and a headache. A headache that came from too much to drink on a Friday night. Being as intoxicated as I was, of course, the drunk texting began. I texted my "Jacob" (for all you Twilight fans). He is the guy that I probably love, but the type of love that will never be enough. The guy that I might kiss once or twice, and really, really like it; but it's not the kiss that lasts a life time. 

So what does one do in that type of situation? Fortunately for me, there is no "Edward" right now, no one that I do love more. I do know, that one day he'll come along, and the love I have for "Jacob" will seem so small, so minute, that I'll probably forget about it. 
But what about now!? Do I act on the feelings, knowing it won't last long, or do I push them aside and forget they were even there.

I know some of you will have the argument, "What if an 'Edward' doesn't come along?" or "What if the love for 'Jacob' never goes away, and only gets bigger?" Of course, that is always a possibility, and I know that. But the selfish part is (and I hate myself for it), that I know I couldn't be with him. I know that he is not the person I would want to be with 'forever'. So we'd both end up hurt. 

Should I even waste my time? Should I act on the feelings that I have every time I see him; the butterflies in my stomach, the skipped beats my heart makes when he walks into the room, or when he hugs me? 

Or should I remain calm, cool, and collected? And act like the passion that we felt when we kissed didn't actually happen, that it was simply just the alcohol in our systems. 

Should I pick Jacob, or wait for an Edward?

Until next time,

Mr. Famous, xo

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

All dressed in white

Word of the day: Lascivious; given to, or expressing lust

Hello all! 

I'm writing today tell you about the excitement that has overcome my entire self. Curious? White. Ankle. Pants. Yep, you heard me. White pants (including denim) that sit no longer than the ankle. I love white.. everything. Fashion blog:, has demonstrated many, MANY pictures of men, and women wearing these white pants all over different parts of Europe and New York. Which means one thing: they're in style. Obviously styles reach Canada a little later than other fashion forward countries, but that will not stop me from wearing my own pair of white denim very soon, possibly even this Friday. 

Also, I'm on the hunt for a certain pair of Nine West brown, tall riding boots. So far I have called around, and they have not been released anywhere yet. I understand that they are a fall boot, but I may not rest well until I get my hands on them. The last thing I am actively searching for, is the perfect fedora. I've seen them everywhere, but have yet to acquire one. Any help on where to find the best, will be much appreciated.

Until next time, 

Mr. Famous, xo

Monday, July 19, 2010

J'adore New York

I picked up a new book this weekend, J'adore New York, and I have to say, it's pretty fantastic. Written by Isabelle Lafleche, it follows a lawyer from Paris, Catherine, who takes a new job with the firm at the New York location. She fights off competitive assholes, deals with bombastic women, and learns the balance between love, friends and work. Only at page 146 out of 400, I'm finding myself struggling to put it down. What will she do, will that scumbag client Mel grab her "derriere" again, and what about Antoine? What happens when he leaves for Paris? Or, how about that new client from Browser?

Oh sorry, gotta go read. 

Until next time, 

Mr. Famous, xo

HEY! Guess what? It's Monday!

Word of the day: Exasperation; to make very angry or impatient, annoy greatly.  
(and it's only Monday)

The thoughts that I've had today are so unorganized, and all over the place, it will be hard to actually put them down on paper. But, I'll give it a shot. 

I first want to address men; by far the most confusing sub-species on this planet. Whyyy do they say they are going to do one thing, but do the complete opposite? I'll give you the scenario. As many of you know, the Honda Indy was this past weekend. About a month ago, a certain guy I know (lets call him Honda for the purposes of this), told me he had an extra ticket to the said Indy. Being dateless for quite some time, I figured, why not? So, a week before the Indy weekend, we had plans to talk later in the week to finalize plans. Well guess what? No text, no call, and thus, no Indy. Not that I was upset (why would I want to watch loud cars zoom around in a huge circle?) but what gives? Not a decent sign of respect or class in this man that just leaves me waiting.. It just really makes no sense to me. Just man up, and bail on me with some class. 

Anyway, on to the next thought...
Being a woman, is quite the difficult thing. When we're strong and in positions of power, we're bitches. When we cry in a movie, we're emotional wrecks. When we like a guy enough to make an effort, we're a psycho stalker, and on top of that, we have a million things going on in our bodies that just confuse the hell out of us. What I have going on right now, most women would think one thing: Pregnant. Those, big, bold, scary letters that form the word pregnant. Well thankfully for me, the lack of period does not mean pregnant, well unless I'm a born-again Virgin Mary. However, who knows what it means? We worry enough to take the pill to avoid that scary word, but when we go off it, our body is screwed up for months. Weight gain, weight loss, mood swings, cramps, and bloating. And with all those symptoms, you'd think "it's that time of the month again!" Well, it's been that time of the month for for about 2 months and I'm finally at my breaking point. I need to see the doctor.

My last thought for the day, is WHY it is so hard to get time off work for a doctors appointment. When my doctor's assistant let me know of the 2 available appointments this week, I confirmed one and let my manager know. And what does he say? "Ohhh Friday, that's not the most convenient day.." Well sorry sir, that my doctors availability is not convenient for YOU. How unreasonable, and of course, that would be the response from a male. Doesn't he realize I have raging hormones!?

Well, that was a nice rant. I feel quite a bit better now, and I might just cancel my doctors appointment... haha just kidding, that would be ludicrous. 

Until next time, 

Mr. Famous, xo

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Just one of those nights...

Word of the day: Precarious; Subject to chance or unknown conditions

Well hello again, 

You know, it's just one of those nights that you're thankful for all your friends and family and are just completely and utterly content. You've just spent a wonderful evening with friends discussing everything from politics, to alcohol, and religion to sex. You've covered all the bases that friends typically cover, all while sharing delicious drinks and food...

And then its time to go home, and relax on the couch with a hot cup of tea and a cute movie... Tonight: Did you hear about the Morgans? A movie starring Hugh Grant and Sarah Jessica Parker, a couple of stars that one can never go wrong with. SJP makes me think of all the hours I've spent watching re-runs of Sex and the City.. god I love sex and the city, and more so, Mr. Big. Mr. Big is the epitome of the wall street banker type, the tall, handsome, not-so-reliable man that every girl falls in love with at least once in their lives; also the one that just happens to break your heart. We've all been there. 

Anyway, before we get into the sappy, broken heart mess of a conversation, I'm going to leave you to spend your Saturday night however you may be spending it... 

Until next time,

Mr. Famous, xo

Friday, July 16, 2010

Bucket List

Who knew I'd be back so soon.. I'm just so excited about this blogging thing I want to keep writing.

As many of you probably know, MTV just recently came out with a show about those 4 guys from Canada who had a bucket list, and a bus (known as Penelope). Well so far, I just have a list. By my list, you may be able to tell that I would want nothing more than to be in NYC at all times, and that I love, and would do anything for the protection of sharks.

Hereee it is. 

(not listed in order of importance)

1. Swim with sharks
2. Learn french
3. Become a Much Music VJ
4. Work for CNN
5. Become a news anchor
6. Skydive
7. Ride in the "Right for Heart"
8. Live in NYC
9. Backpack across Europe
10. Go on a REAL African Lion Safari
11. Collect all versions of "To Kill a Mockingbird"
12. Interview a convicted murderer
13. Become a real shark activist
14. Work with Rob Stewart (Shark Water)
15. Ride a motorcycle
16. Save a polar bear
17. Pet a coyote
18. Bungee jump in another continent
19. Go to a strip club
20. Eat outside Tiffany's in NYC
21. Get arrested but not charged [completed]
22. Be in a sit in
23. Go to a Red Sox game in Boston
24. See the Super Bowl, live.
25. Write a fictional novel
26. Learn to meditate
27. Practice yoga everyday for 6 months
28. Fall in love in another country
29. Get a dual citizenship
30. Go to a party on a yacht
31. Buy a house for my mom
32. Buy a car for a spouse
33. Publish a story in a New York magazine
34. Go to a fashion show during Paris/NYC/Miami fashion week
35. Learn to speak spanish
36. Ski Whistler
37. Have children
38. Make a large donation to a non-profit organization
39. Celebrate Canada Day in Ottawa
40. Visit the winter Olympics
41. Be in Times Square for New Years Eve
42. Study Religion
43. Own a house
44. Drive a sports car
45. Learn to speak Greek
46. Have a Greek wedding
47. Learn to Greek dance
48. Own an Irish Wolfhound
49. Go portaging 
50. Go to the Eifel Tower
51. Watch ALL of the "Friends" episodes
52. Stay in the Hamptons
53. Watch a polo match
54. Help the homeless
55. Grow carrots/cucumbers
56. Hike through the Rockies
57. Visit Tiger Island
58. Hail a cab in NYC

Until next time,

Mr. Famous, xo


Well hellooo there everyone!

I'm excited to be joining the blog-o-sphere, and hope to use this as my venting system/diary. I probably don't have the most exciting life ever, but sure have enough drama to need to get it out of my system.

I'll start with a little introduction...

I'm a university student from Toronto, Canada with a huge desire to be something, and to do something in the world. Hopefully one day, I can pursue my dreams of becoming a journalist and really make a difference by helping people, and spreading the word about the latest issues and events. 

There's only a few things in the world that I love more than anything else.. My mom, my dog, my cat and my friends/family. I will do anything to protect or help these people, and would never do anything to intentionally hurt them. 

Everyday, I plan to post a "word of the day" as I love grammar and learning new things to help further the vocabulary. I also plan on talking about the books I read, you know.. which are good and which totally bombed, this way you can avoid the sucky ones. 

Until next time, 

Mr. Famous, xo