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Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Well this debate is interesting...
Gooood evening friends!
I'm watching the debate and I know a few things for sure
1. Stephen Harper is wearing some form of makeup
2. Stephen Harper is the calmest man ever
3. Stephen Harper's hair is also too perfect.
Okay, that's all. The reason I know only these three things because I just tuned in.. unfortunately not staying long, because I have to meet friends for a drink later. That sounds more glamorous than it is, I can assure you.
The good news is, I had an interview yesterday at eTalk. I was trying to keep it quiet out of fear of jinxing it, but I think it's okay to say it out loud now. I feel very good about it, I was happy with my questions/answers, the panel was wonderful and I just keep thinking positive.
What else is going on in my life? Nooooothing. School is making me stressed beyond sanity, I've been working so so so so so much (sort of) and I'm at the point of exhaustion. The unfortunate part of the whole thing, is I'm dying to have some fun.. so I'm forcing myself to see my friends.. though that tires me out further. It's a never ending circle. I can't wait to sleep.
The bad thing about sleeping, is that lately when I wake up... I wake up to my poor Jays losing. It's sad, and I'm sad. Hopefully that will change.
So for now, I'm going to watch some debate, eat some yummy food, and head out for forced fun.
Until next time,
Mister Famous, xo
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Hi.... Bye.
Until next time,
Mr. Famous, xo
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
One arm, Not a Problem: Greg Stewart
KAMLOOPS, BC--What do you call the man who leads the CIS in steals, offensive rebounds, defensive rebounds, averages 15.4 points per game, and is taller than basketball star Shaquille O’Neal?
Well, the CIS calls him the Defensive Player of the Year for the second year in a row. But most people, just know him as Greg Stewart.
He is a dual-sport beast playing basketball and volleyball. Stewart is an upbeat individual, which coincides with his game.
Any player winning back-to-back CIS Defensive Player of the Year titles would be a miraculous feat. However, it’s an almost impossible accomplishment once noting Stewart's unique presence on the hardwood.
Born missing his left arm from the elbow down, Stewart has never considered his disability a hindrance to his athleticism or playing abilities.
In fact, when asked if he believed one arm made a difference, he simply replied by saying, “You accept what you have and work with it.”
Stewart's positive vibes are quite contagious, making it clear that he has more than accepted his disability and bypassed it, proving his dominance among the country's CIS elite.
A Kamloops, British Columbia native, Greg’s preferred school was Thompson Rivers University which is also in his hometown. In essence, when he was recruited to the TRU WolfPack out of high school, it was an easy decision, being a natural fit.
The 7'2 centre has been deemed a major presence on the court by the WolfPack Head Coach, Scott Clark and with a unbearable size, it’s easy to see why Clark described his best defensive player as such.
Clark’s in his first year of coaching the WolfPack and when asked about Greg’s game he says, “The biggest thing is his defensive presence and other teams have to set up game plans for him because he is able to dominate and get rebounds.”
Throughout the season, the WolfPack’s head coach believes that Greg played picked up his game notably after January and that work ethic had a lot to do with his performance.
“He improved on his fitness and play, and that was good not only for him but the whole team,” Clark says of his standout player.
Stewart was also pleased with his work ethic this season, “I was not accepting, always wanting to do better!”
Describing Greg in just one word proved to be hard for Clark. Some of the words he came up with were ‘miraculous’ and ‘inspirational’.
“He’s overcome some adversity in his life but it’s still hard to put just one word on it.”
The head coach also says, “Personally, you never really see Greg as disadvantaged on the court. You see him as a great basketball player and as a coach you just push him to be the best he can be.”
With five years spent playing with the WolfPack, once again, Greg takes the negative,
transforming it into positive. Despite TRU not making it to the post-season, “It was a good year with a new coach and the team came a long way.”
With basketball and volleyball honours to his name, Stewart's resume is impressive to say the least.
Although Stewart is uncertain of his future at the moment, he is looking toward finishing his schooling at TRU, majoring in Human Resources.
Greg also had some encouraging words for any young players who might be discouraged from pursuing their basketball and athletic dreams for any reason.
“It’s all based upon what you want to do. Take opportunities when you can because they’re not there all the time.”
*NOTE: Greg has also played for the Team Canada’s disabled sitting volleyball team, which has won gold at the World Championships in 2002, 2004, and 2006. Greg is on the Roster for the 2010-2011 season.
Goodbye Winter!
My word of the day isn't anything big or elaborate, I just really wanted to bring on the sun so I thought if I mentioned it, maybe it would come sooner. (So lame right?)
TODAY, is the second day of spring. Although the sky is grey, and snow is in the forecast, I know that just around the corner my tulips will bloom, my toes will see sunshine, and my spring wardrobe will come out to play.
This week is going to be a crazy week for me and I'm trying to deal with it one day at a time. First, I have a million assignments to do. A 2000 word magazine profile, a 1500 word essay and Contemporary Canadian issues... edit two articles, prepare myself for a potential interview with Andi Petrillo, and study/write a stats quiz. With all that homework, I also had to work yesterday (Monday) all day.. have school today, tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. I have to work Friday night, Saturday morning/day, Sunday day, and Monday day. So really leaving me know time in the world to do anything fun... But that doesn't stop me. I have scheduled a hair colour appointment for tonight (as my roots are horrendous), a coffee date with my first crush ever tomorrow night (haven't seen him in 7 years), and a scheduled/impromptu trip to Yorkdale for a to-die-for wristlet meets phone case by the one and only Michael Kors.
The unfortunate thing is I can't make it to a friends birthday this Friday because of my crazy work schedule. So I'll owe her a beer that's for sure!
When this week is over, I think I will return to some form of normalcy, will running everyday, yoga twice a week and more fun. Also next week, is the Blue Jays home opener. And if I didn't love my job before, I do now. My manager felt so bad for scheduling me all those days, she gave me both Friday and Sunday off next week so I can go to the home opener, AND the Jose Bautista bobblehead day on Sunday. Like can you even believe it? How lucky am I to have a job like that? Sorry to brag, but really.. it's amazing.
Internships are just around the corner, and I'm getting pretty excited for that too. It's so nerve wracking getting your resumes together, and applying. But it's such a rush that I really just can't wait to hear back from anyone who is willing to take me!
I think I'm going to go back to my homework now, this break was long enough. I'll try to keep on top of this during my crazy week.
OH. One last thing. I put my friends resume into the pot at work, I reeeeeaaaallly hope something comes of that. She is too amazing to pass by.
Until next time,
Mr. Famous, xo
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Pray for Japan
- Pray for Japan
It's just one of those nights that you want to eat a piece of cake, a brownie, and maybe a chocolate bar all right after each other. Fortunately for me, I'm at my grandparents' house and they like to force feed me fatty foods. So, tonight after my freshly cut pear, I had strawberries in vanilla ice cream. Not nearly as fatty as the aforementioned options, but sugary enough to throw my healthy eating out the window. The good news is, they finally entered the technological era and got internet, which is both good and bad. Now, I can sit here and write to you and do homework, but also now, I'm addicted to the internet rather than reading a book, or really enjoying American Idol. It's okay though I guess.. I could just use some self-discipline and refrain from the internet. haha yeah right.
Anyway, the second boy I mentioned yesterday (the one i shouldn't like) and I had a great chat today and thing are back on track. Which, let me tell you makes me super nervous. I keep saying I want a boyfriend, but when I start to get close, I get freaked out, claustrophobic and run screaming through the streets. A friend told me that it's because he isn't the right guy for me, but I'm not sure if I agree. I mean, maybe that's true.. but maybe it's just because I'm scared to get hurt again? So instead, I'm trying to focus on school work, work work, internships, and friends.
I wrote my to-do list yesterday.. it is as follows:
stats assignment
Contemp essay
study for contemp
profile (magazine)
magazine presentation
apply for internship
edit articles
I feel like I'm missing something.. so I'll have to figure that out. In the mean time, I'm going to dream about summer, friends birthdays, visiting Londy-Loo and Blue Jays.. Good night world.
Until next time,
Mr. Famous, xo
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Rexdale Crime
Rexdale has a reputation as one of the most dangerous areas in Toronto, but many students who come to Humber College and The University Of Guelph-Humber are not aware of the amount of crime that takes place here on a regular basis.
Rexdale resident and self-proclaimed retired hustler, Stones* said that students are naïve to the amount of crime in the area, and are considered easy targets for robberies and assault because of their lack of streets smarts.
“They [Street involved youth] see these kids, they see food – a bunch of rich kids that don’t know where the hell they are. They don’t know that they’re in the ghetto,” he said
Students face dangers on and off campus everyday, because of where the school is located. In 2005, Toronto’s City Council named the area as one of the GTA’s 13 priority neighbourhoods according to the Pathways Education Network.
“Down here, random stuff will happen, like, people think that bad stuff doesn’t happen to good people, but bad stuff happens to good people,” Stones said.
Many students, they say, have been victim to harassment, assault, and theft since they moved to Rexdale to attend school and over 10 student houses have been robbed in the last two months, according to recent accounts in the neighborhood.
Kristie Greco, a second year Kinesiology student lives in the subdivision across from the campus. Her house has been robbed twice since Thanksgiving.
The latest was around 7pm last Monday night, while Greco and her roommates were out of the house. Whoever broke in came through the bedroom window, and took three Mac laptops, two IPods, and a charging dock. The police were notified but took four hours to arrive at the scene. “Don’t take any suspicious activity too lightly,” said Greco.
Stones also says that the subdivision directly across from Humber doesn’t really count as Rexdale, that there are certain areas that the real thugs live.
“I need to tell you the honest truth, the real guys are seriously in Rexdale, in Martin Grove, Kipling and in Jamestown, they don’t leave those places, you know? They don’t
come to Humber College.” He says although everyone is a target.
Students need to understand that there are differences in lifestyle and mentality between Humber and Guelph-Humber students, and those who have grown up in the area. Stones says that there really isn’t any way to prevent being mugged, that some people rob people just for the sake of robbing, “If someone sees someone, and you have something that they want, it’s gonna get taken… that’s just it.”
For Rexdale residents, gang activity, shootings and robberies are a part of everyday life, according to published estimates. There are seven main Rexdale gangs, with the majority affiliated with the Crips. “Like, some people, everyday they put their books in their bags, some people around here strap a gun to their hip,” Stones said.
An officer from the 23rd Division who did not want to disclose his name says that students should “know the surroundings, and know whom you’re dealing with” to ensure their safety when leaving campus.
Norah Roberts, a third year Guelph-Humber student studying Public Relations says during her first year in 2008, she had a bad experience.
“I lived on residence, and a bunch of us girls were walking in the subdivision across the road, when two guys started following us. We got a bad feeling, so we started running. Then, they started chasing us. It got really scary, when a car with four more guys started slowly driving beside us, following us. They ended up leaving us alone, but not without scaring us first.”
Local rapper/producer Casper Tha Deadly Ghost was born and raised in the area, and said that if you “be cool, stick to yourself, and act respectful”, you will be less likely to have someone bother you.
Other safety precautions students can take include, walking in open, lit areas, and talking on the phone when they are alone, but this does not guarantee that nothing will happen.
“You can walk confident as much as you want, if someone sees someone, and you have something that they want, it’s gonna get taken,”…”There’s guys out here that take shit just to take shit…It’s different, it could be for anything still, could be for money. I know a guy that robs shit just to rob shit. He has two gat in his pocket just to rob you.”
According to Stones, adding more security guards on campus won’t make much of a difference in terms of student safety. He calls them Robo-Cops.
“What would they have? Batons? You could put more security guards, more cops, it wouldn’t help. People are hustlin’ for money to feed themselves. If they don’t hustle, they don’t eat.”
He says the only thing that will diminish the amount of crime, is an end to poverty, which he doesn’t see ever happening.
The police source agrees that poverty is not coming to an end, and it’s hard for people to avoid criminal acts.
“It’s very hard to live in those neighbourhoods, with a gang mentality and keep on the straight and narrow, despite your best efforts, because you have to worry about yourself the whole time.”
He also urges students to report any illegal activity they see and assures that tips will always be kept anonymous.
*Some names have been changed to protect the identity of interviewees, some of whom were known personally by the reportorial team.
Photo Taken by Kayla Cameron-Redyk
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Kould they be any cooler? The Kardashians

Let's play catch up
word of the day; Facetiously; lacking serious intent, or; not meant to be taken seriously
This, and insidious, are my favorite words. I wonder if you know why? If you think you do, let me know.. i'm excited to hear your thoughts.
Okay, I'm not even sure where to start. It's been about a month since my last post and quite a few things have happened. I went to Tremblant again this year for my annual ski trip. I fell, got whiplash and pinched a few nerves and was in a hell of a lot of pain for about 4 days.. but then I got pain medication and everything in my life was like unicorns and rainbows.
BUT, on the bright side, we (my family) decided that for our next annual ski trip, we're going to Lake Placid, NY. Do you know what that means? Well, it means i'll learn how to bobsled. Maybe not the most practical talent, but fun no less. Also this upcoming year I will be going to Vegas for the big 21, Cape Hatteras for surfing and kite boarding, and MAYBE Greece if I can afford it. Until then, I have school...
I'm not digging school too much right now. I have my eyes set on summer so I'm having a hard time concentrating. I'm also getting so nervous about being an adult that I'm pretending it's not happening. Thinking about graduating, applying for internships and the whole bit makes me shake in my boots. So, let's not talk about it and talk about something else... likeee boys.
Since Thanksgiving, I crossed the border from great friends, to.. sometimes more than friends with one boy. At first, I thought.. no, he's not my type so I could never aaactually like him. But now, I'm not too sure. Sometimes I'm confused. Maybe I want a boyfriend, so my mind is tricking me into liking him, but in reality, I don't?... gah I don't know. Let's move onto the next one.. one i'm sure about.
One time.. my best friend in the world was hooking up with this guy. This same guy, turned into a douche bag and hurt her. So, I proceeded to tell him that I hated him. Then, I ran into this guy over Christmas break.. he explained his side, i understood and the conversation got rolling. Now, I like him. But I can't.. because of my best friend. He kept pushing for me to talk to her, but I a. didn't have the balls and b. didn't want to ever put our friendship on the line for A BOY. So i told him, just friends, and he respected that. But, the more we talked, the more I liked him. So, I got up the courage to mention it to her, assuring her that her feelings about the situation came way before mine and whatever she wanted I would do. Being the amazing girl that she is, she said it's fine. I could even cry a bit thinking about how wonderful she is and how important she is to me. Well anyway, i told him, he was excited. We'll see how that goes as well.
Work is wonderful.. I love my job so much, it's even made me not want to move. And believe me, I've always wanted to move. I love the people I work with, I love the company, I just love it. A lot...
Finally, I'll leave you with the one thing that's coming up that I can't be more excited about.. Blue Jays. Starting April 1st, my boys will be back in town for months and months of baseball. If you are ever wondering where to find me, I'll most likely be at the Rogers Center in my high-waisted denim shorts and a crop top.
...OH. One last thing. I ran into my ex-boyfriend at school.. we had a really mature conversation about our families, our futures and our dreams. It made me feel so good that we can FINALLY be mature around each other. It only took two years...
Until next time,
Mr. Famous, xo
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Hi, I missed you.... A lot.
Even as a I sit here and type, I have a million other things I could be doing. I'll have to update you on my life in the shortest way ever. Here it goes:
1. I have a job... yep, working gal. At lululemon, and byyy the way, not to brag but it is LITERALLY the best job ever. Sometimes, I'd rather be at work then at home... and i REALLY love home.
2. I have the busiest schedule ever, falling behind on homework like crazy because anytime I have free time, I'm sleeping, or at the gym.
3. I have a weight loss goal of 20 pounds in 20 weeks. It's the beginning of week 3 and I have lost four lbs. Good start so far.
5. I like a lot of boys right now. Two specifically. One is soooo my type (jocky, smart, witty) and the other I'm not too sure about. I think he's more of a fly by night... but I'll let you know how they ride out (I promise)
6. I hooked up with a friend again.. I still think it's not awkward, but we'll see the next time I see him.
7. I watched all ten seasons of Friends in less than a month. I had a crush on Joey, Chandler and lastly Ross, and sometimes even Rachel. (I cried when I was finished all ten)
8. My colour palate for spring clothing is mostly nudes and ivories, with a pop of coral.
9. I miss a few people so much, my life isn't the same without them. COME HOME.
10. The bjays home opener is literally so soon, i have my outfit planned and i'm ready to go. So hurrryy up April 1.
11. I joined a run clinic.. so you'll soon be looking at an official marathon runner. Not a big one, just a weee little one. BE excited.
That's all I can think of right now, I'll probably come up with a few more.
Until next time,
Mr. Famous, xo